The Back Story behind MrNEDBAG

I am a member of the United States delegation to the NATO Emitter Data Base Advisory Group (NEDBAG). I've been a member of that group for almost 25 years. In fact I've been a member longer than anyone else. I believe I've attended 40 regular meetings and who knows how many working groups. Somewhere along the line someone called me Mr. NEDBAG and it stuck. I've been told by many people I have the best job in the world and I tend to agree.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Slow progress

Beautiful day, 80 degrees, sitting out on the deck, enjoying the spring weather, a Guinness would be nice, but the throat just won’t cooperate yet. Terry opened a bottle of red wine this weekend and I tried a couple of sips. Alcohol doesn’t seem to bother the throat, but the wine sucks all the wet out of my mouth. It didn’t taste all that good either, looks like it’ll be a while before I’ll be enjoying wine. My sense of taste is coming back, but my mouth isn’t cooperating.

I went back to work this week. I did two ½ days, Wednesday and Thursday, I could get used to going in at 11:00 and getting off at 3:30. Friday, we had an all hands call first thing in the morning so I showed up for that. The boss cut us loose around noon. I plan on full days from now on, starting Monday.

I owe an apology to a few of you out there that thought I was being a bit sassy in my first paragraph of my last blog. I guess my attempt at sarcastic humor failed and ended up coming across a bit caustic. I realize y’all are just checking in to see how I’m doing and you actually look forward to my weekly status update. I’ll do my best to stay on schedule from now on.

Eating solid food isn’t going as well as I expected I seem to be irritating my mouth and throat and it’s become very uncomfortable the last few days. I had cut down to one Percocet a day, but had to push it back up to two due to the discomfort. I’ll try going back to mush and the feeding tube for a few days and see if things improve. I hope this is just a short term set back.

I also went to the gym 3 times this week. Oh my gawd I’m a wimp. In addition to loosing 30 pounds, I’ve lost a lot of my strength. It shouldn’t take too long to get back in shape, as long as I take it easy and don’t push it too much. I can already see an improvement in my stamina and my desire to eat more.

The radiation burn on my neck has pretty much healed. I’m not slathering up with the supper moisturizer, except at night. I’m just using the regular stuff now. That’s a good thing, I’ve trashed a number of T-shirts with the supper moisturizer and I’ll be going back to wearing dress shirts for work, I don’t need to mess any of them up. Speaking of work clothes, I had to hunt around in my closet to find a few pair of pants that fit my new svelte figure. I wonder how long I’ll be able to keep the pounds off.

I guess that’s it for this up-date. Hopefully we’ll see some progress with the throat over the next week.

Miller, out


  1. Yeah- it wont be long now, Mister Nedbag- just keep on trucking. We are cheering for you, and I hope you know that.
    Got a new stove today, so the chicken soup will be delivered this week
    Granny's secret hand me down :O)
    Guinness will be good for your palate in no time.
    We love ya,
    Dagi & Company

  2. Hello Mike,

    Mr. Nedbag, this is Jochen Rosendahl, the former HOD Germany, i heard from Stefan that you have this problem with the cancer. I wish you all the best and i hope you get back in shape very soon!!
    I had very good times with you during the NEDBAG and of cause besides the NEDBAG also. My friend it sounds good that you are back to work you are on the right track.


    Jochen the Big German
