The Back Story behind MrNEDBAG

I am a member of the United States delegation to the NATO Emitter Data Base Advisory Group (NEDBAG). I've been a member of that group for almost 25 years. In fact I've been a member longer than anyone else. I believe I've attended 40 regular meetings and who knows how many working groups. Somewhere along the line someone called me Mr. NEDBAG and it stuck. I've been told by many people I have the best job in the world and I tend to agree.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Day I Went to the Doctor

The morning of 25 Nov 2009 was like any other day, up at 4:30 am, take a shower, brush teeth, clear throat, spit blood . . . oops, wait a minute spit blood? That ain’t right. This had happened a couple of times before over the last 8 – 10 months, but normally while I was traveling and by the time I got back to San Antonio I’d forget about it. But I was in town, so I decided to call for a doctor’s appointment once I got to work.

I’m retired Air Force and I work on an Air Force base as a government employee. As a retiree I still can utilize the Air Force medical system. I called for an appointment and they told me they had no openings for 3 weeks. I told them what my problem was and when I mentioned bleeding they recommended that if I wanted to see a doctor today to go to the emergency room. I didn’t like that idea, I’ve been to that emergency room and it always ended up being a long wait to see a doctor. It’s one of only 2 trauma centers in town, so unless you’re spurting blood or have an exposed broken bone you wait, and wait, and wait.

So I went to the emergency room, told them my symptoms and waited. I was there 4 hours and saw 3 doctors. They seemed more concerned that my blood pressure was elevated and they checked that every 30 minutes. They did the usual throat exam and took an x-ray of my chest, but found nothing unusual. One of the doctors said he’d give me a referral to ENT. I thanked them all and went on my merry way expecting to get a call for the referral in a day or so. That didn’t happen.

I waited a few days and didn’t hear anything. The wife didn’t like that so she began to call around and see if she could get them to get me an appointment. I got an appointment with ENT on 18 Dec 09.